Introducing a new ACTA allied member: Animal Experience International

Animal Experience International is a B Corp with a mission to change the world by matching clients with conservation and animal welfare related volunteer opportunities at sanctuaries, hospitals and research projects. Their commitment is to change the lives of AEI clients AND to change the lives of their placement partners. One of the goals of AEI is to encourage their clients to share their knowledge. Veterinarians, accountants and chefs all have very different skill sets but each has the potential to make a difference in a very real way. All of the AEI Experiences are built around what the placement needs. They refuse to take management roles at these centres as they understand they cannot understand the local cultural and social lenses that lead to the systemic conservation problems unique to each community. They work for the community with the community in the community to make sure all volunteer experiences are safe, beneficial and meaningful to partners and to clients. For 2 years they have been honoured as B Lab's: The Best FOR the World, taking into account our social and environmental community benefit.