Final Results of the ADM Market Analysis Report!


ACTA has been monitoring the progress of this global initiative which launched back in January 2017. A global ADM market research survey campaign asked for your participation and support to provide feedback. Today, we are glad to showcase the final results. At the link below you can download the Market Analysis report where you can find general and specific aspects that affect Airlines and Agents when dealing with ADMs as well as concrete solutions for each of them. We would like to highlight page 28, Key Opportunities and Recommendations

We would like to specially thank the members who participated in the survey and generated a 5% response rate from Canada (948 Respondents). The information you provided was greatly valuable as it helped us to identify your needs and obtain market-based data that will give us an idea onto which areas to improve in order to drive the ADM Working Group solutions and best practices in the direction of an effective ADM reduction strategy. 

Certainly, the results of the survey contribute with market intelligence that will be beneficial to your company. In addition, the report includes a market segmentation section which purpose is to facilitate ADM market metrics that will serve as a benchmarking tool in order to evaluate your company position within the industry and compare its performance in terms of the ADM management and processes.

The accomplishment of this initiative was possible due to the committed involvement of the Travel Agents and Airlines who participated, therefore, we would like to express our gratitude for your time and collaboration.

We remain at your disposal to answer any question you may have. Please contact us at

Click here to view the ADM Market Analysis Report